In Deepest Consequences

Oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us over with honest trifles, only to betray’s
In deepest consequences.
– Macbeth

Calvin Samuels is a public defender with a passion for sticking by the underdog. His clients are desperate men and woman with desperate cases. Like John Rogers. Although Samuels saved him from a life behind bars, he couldn’t save his life. Within months of his release, Rogers’ body is fished from the Ohio River, two bullet holes in the back of his head. Police speculate his was the result of a drug deal gone bad.

Believing he failed a friend who depended on him, Samuels seeks redemption in the representation of Mark Alexander, accused of the brutal murder of two drug dealers. Needing to believe in his client’s innocence, however, Samuels is blind to clues that Alexander is not what or who he seems. Until he meets Allison Morris, Alexander’s former lover and the prosecution’s most damning witness. Could Alexander actually be Roger’s murderer?

But when the trial finally reaches its stunning conclusion, Samuels’ descent into the maelstrom has only just begun.

Mark Spencer, author of The Weary Motel and winner of the 1996 Faulkner Society Award for fiction: “Scott Kauffman’s novel pulled me in immediately and kept me engaged until the very end . . . . In Deepest Consequences possesses a rare power and eerie realism that make it truly unforgettable.”

Nominated for the Benjamin Franklin Literary Publishing Award in the category of best debut novel in 2006.


Scott Kauffman has written an exciting legal thriller in which the public defender uses his own time and money to track down witnesses and learn the truth; Calvin goes the extra mile for his clients. The two prime cases (that of Rogers and Alexander) that make up the storyline are fast-paced and a thrill to follow, as Calvin’s idealism and work ethic push him to be all that he can be and more. Readers will appreciate this dedicated defense attorney and feel for him when he begins to have doubts about Alexander’s innocence.

Harriet Klausner

An Excellent Thriller: If you like a deep thinking and deep feeling thriller, this is it. I was surprised at the quality of the writing and the imagery. Very insightful. Spins, relates, and teaches at the same time. No doubt this was taken from the author’s real life background. The character development is gripping. The locations as if you were there. Stunned that this is his first novel. I am sure there will be more.

Posted at on December 14, 2006.

Scott Kauffman has written an exciting legal thriller.

Midwest Book Review, January 2007

As an attorney, Calvin Samuels has always had the problem of caring too much. He finds the clients who need the help the most but who know nothing about what to do with it. When he found John Rogers, he found someone it looked like he could save. John was doing well, going to school and working until a bit of bad This was a very suspenseful, intense novel . . . Most of his characters are fully formed, and the reader gets to know them and each of their personal demons quite well. Kauffman did a very good job of letting each of his characters be human and carry human flaws while making a solid line between the good guys and the bad guys, and those in between. The suspense builds throughout this novel until it reaches an ending that no one can see coming. I can’t wait to see what this author does next.

Affaire de Couer.

This gripping novel is well written, fast paced, and enthralling. Kauffman richly describes his characters and rural Ohio landscape.


Are you a big fan of legal thrillers? Have the DVR set to record every episode of Law and Order and CSI? Do you ever pit yourself against the detectives to see if you can figure out who dunnit before anyone else does? If so, In Deepest Consequences by Scott Kauffman, is right up your alley, a tightly woven story of crime and retribution.

Morgan Wyatt, Novelspot